Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Accidental Drug Overdose

Just minutes after posting today's blog, my phone rang, and it was my best friend from high school. She was calling to give me some very sad news. Her nephew just died only a few hours ago from an accidental drug overdose. He was in his mid 20's. We both agreed it was accidental because he had just spoken with his grandfather this morning about plans they had for this Friday. He had not given any indication of wanting his life to be over. My heart is so heavy for this entire family. I am all too familiar with the horror of the sudden shock of learning your child has died. May God comfort them in a powerful way today and in the weeks, months and years to come. To return to day one of this journey is more than my heart and mind can grasp.

As soon as I hung up, I said a prayer. My friend who had called was about to tell her young son about his cousin's death. Her son had just come in the door from school. After praying for my friend, her son as he heard the news, as well as the various family members who were all finding their lives turned upside down today, I called another friend of mine. She too had lost a son to an accidental drug overdose while in his early 20's. The death of her handsome, wonderful son was nearly 4 years ago. We talked about her Thanksgiving and how it went, the fourth one without her son. She said the day was rather uneventful, unlike the normal way they used to spend Thanksgiving when the family was whole. They used to have a low country boil and play football at the beach. After her son died, they couldn't imagine playing football without him being there. It all sounded very familiar. We used to go to the North Carolina mountains, hike the trails, visit the local toy store and a special antiques shop to laugh at a certain chair that was always there year after year, catch a movie in Asheville, and finally, cut down our Christmas tree to bring back home. We haven't been able to do that since Jacob died. To do the same thing, only without Jacob, would mean way too much pain.

As I considered the loss my dear friend's family had just experienced today, I knew I had to add a link that would deal specifically with accidental drug overdoses. They are far too common, but a specific area of grief I had not included in my post today. There are many other areas I've overlooked as well, but my goal was to offer links to places that provided support and encouragment to some of the general grief categories. For those who are suffering the loss of a loved one to an accidental drug overdose, here is a place to begin I was also impressed with a website where family or friends of those who have died from drug-related causes can post memorials. Creating and maintaining Jacob's memorial website has been a source a great comfort and a positive way to work through my grief. Perhaps it will be good therapy for you as well. Here is where you can create a memorial May you find special peace beyond all understanding this holiday season.

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